February 2025
“The Supremacy of Christ”
We are super excited about our upcoming series that kicks-o@ Super Bowl Sunday based on a book from the Bible called, “Hebrews.” Out of all of the 66 books in the Bible, I believe Hebrews captures the whole essence of the entire Bible being one complete story fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ. In this 13-chapter book, the writer of Hebrews builds a complete bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament showcasing the supremacy of Christ in all things. As a believer, you can rest assured that no matter what has happened, is happening, or may happen in the future, Christ has everything under His feet.
The supremacy of Christ is one of the main themes throughout the Book of Hebrews. Though it is not clear who the author was, it is clear that they wanted to convey an inspiring message of faith and perseverance to all believers - many of whom were lacking endurance. By fixing your eyes on Jesus every day through prayer and reading God’s word, you will get to know Christ better as the only Author and Perfecter of your discipleship journey (12:2).
New Resource!
A 30-day Hebrews Scripture Journal is designed to help you experience personal transformation by growing in God’s word and understanding His ways through prayer, journaling, and discovery. Imagine the peace and fulfillment that comes from knowing God personally and experiencing Christ's supremacy in your everyday life. By engaging in this Hebrews journal, you will embark on a 30-day Scripture-based journey of Walking with Jesus through the New Testament as you deepen your relationship with Him.
We will be passing out 50 free copies of this resource to the first 50 households on Sunday, Feb 9. If you would like to send a copy to family and friends, you can order it here: https://a.co/d/eHIMUDF We also have a new 30-Day Reading plan especially designed for STJ DCC which will be included in the books. You can view the Reading Plan Here
Each Sunday we will be covering one of the four themes of the Book of Hebrews:
• Sunday, February 9
“The Supremacy of Christ’s Authority: What’s in a Name?”
• Sunday, February 16
“The Supremacy of Christ’s Ministry: Jesus is Our Compassionate High Priest”
• Sunday, February 23
“The Supremacy of Christ’s Covenant Legacy: The New Covenant is WriSen on Our Hearts”
• Sunday, March 9
“The Supremacy of Christ in ChrisUan Community: Living Out Christ’s Legacy Together”
“Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.”
Hebrews 12:2, The Message
We believe this will be the BEST Bible book study season ever for you and your family. We are excited to see all that God does in you and through you this season!
Cheering for you,
Pastors Bob & Paige