July 2024



“When you have Christ, you are complete. He is the head over all leaders and powers.” (Colossians 2:10, NLV © ). Does any area of your life make you feel a little “incomplete?” Do you ever feel like if you just had more things happen for you and more breaks go your way that you would finally experience a real sense of completion? The truth is, having the best living situation, the “perfect” spouse, nor the greatest job in the world could ever bring us a true sense of completion like Christ can. He alone makes us complete. As we surrender our lives completely to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, He fulfills us, inspires us, and makes us totally and completely satisfied in Him. So, if you and I want to experience a true sense of completion and satisfaction in our lives today, we need to discover it through an abiding, life-giving relationship with the resurrected Messiah, Jesus Christ. Christ alone “is all and is in all” (Colossians 3:11b). Only Christ satisfies.

Completion in Christ is one of the main themes in Paul’s letter to the Colossians. Paul is writing to young believers reminding them that in Christ they are complete. They no longer needed to look to philosophers, pagan practices, or obsolete traditions to try to fulfill them anymore. They are a now a new creation completed in the finished work of Christ. We have created a new Colossians Scripture Journal which are being passed out for free on Sunday, July 14 (while
supplies last!). If you missed getting a free copy, we also have a Colossians Scripture Daily Readings Bookmark. Finally, you can always purchase one for yourself or a friend or a family member who you know will be blessed to go through this wonderful book together. You can purchase a copy of the Colossians Scripture Journals here:


This journal is designed to help you experience personal transformation by growing in God’s word and understanding His ways through prayer, journaling, and discovery. By engaging in this Colossians journal over the next 30 days, you will embark on a Scripture-based journey of walking closer to Jesus by gaining a deeper understanding of God’s word as you deepen your relationship with Him.

For the next 4 Sundays (7/14-8/4) we will be unpacking one chapter of Colossians at a time. We encourage you to attend on Sundays and also subscribe to our What’s App message link and our new YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@stjohnsdcc to listen to the messages throughout the week. Below is the schedule:



July 14, 2024 – “I AM COMPLETE through Christ’s Redemption”

Theme Verse: “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,   in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.”- Colossians 1:13-14, NKJV

Paul begins his letter to the Colossians by reminding them that in Christ they HAVE been transferred (deported; exiled) out of the kingdom of darkness; out from being under the power of sin. Believers in Christ have now been “conveyed” (imported, received) into the Kingdom of Light by the love of God’s Son. As 21st century believers in Christ we have been transferred:

  1. Out of Disinheritance and into Inheritance (1:12)
  2. Out of darkness and into light (1:13)
  3. Out from under sin’s power and into Freedom in Christ (1:14)

“Redeemed” – “a releasing effected by payment of a ransom”

  1. redemption, deliverance
  2. liberation procured by the payment of a ransom
  3. to let one go free after receiving a payment

Week 1 Daily Declaration:

“I AM COMPLETE through Christ’s Redemption”

July 21, 2024 – “I AM COMPLETE through Christ’s Position”

Theme Verse: “When you have Christ, you are complete. He is the head over all leaders and powers.” Colossians 2:10, NLV

In Chapter 2, Paul now reveals Christ’s supremacy over ALL spiritual principalities, powers, and authorities. As believers in Christ, now they have a new positioning in life: no longer living from earth to Heaven but in Christ they are now spiritually positioned to live from Heaven and to earth. He encourages these young believers to stay “rooted, grounded” in Christ (2:7) and live their lives from His highly exalted position, gaining a new perspective and source of power:

  1. Our completion in Christ gives us a new position
  2. Our completion in Christ gives us a new perspective
  3. Our completion in Christ gives us a new power to live “in” the world and not “of” it

Week 2 Daily Declaration:

I AM COMPLETE through Christ’s Position”

July 28, 2024 – “I AM COMPLETE as Christ’s New Creation

Theme Verse: “You have now become a new person and are always learning more about Christ. You are being made more like Christ. He is the One Who made you.” – Colossians 3:10, NLV

In Chapter 3, the Apostle Paul is admonishing the young believers in Colossae that as new creations in Christ, they need to, “set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (3:2). Many of them had reportedly been combining Greek philosophy, paganism, superstition, and Jewish mysticism into their Christian faith which is known as “syncretism.” Paul writes this letter in part to remind them that only Christ is Lord over all creation – visible and invisible – and that believers are already complete in Him who is the true head over all principalities, powers, and people (see 3:10-11).

Week 3 Daily Declaration:

I AM COMPLETE as Christ’s New Creation”

August 4, 2024 – “I AM COMPLETE to Demonstrate Christ’s Image

Theme Verse: “Live wisely among those who are not believers, and make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” – Colossians 4:5-6, NLT

The Apostle Paul ends his letter of encouragement to the new believers in Colossae by challenging them to now demonstrate Christlikeness in their communities. Spiritually they are now complete in Christ, emotionally and intellectually they need to think like Christ and physically, they are to live like Christ in their daily relationships. In the beginning of his letter, Paul declares that Jesus Christ is “the visible image of the invisible God” (1:15a). Now, at the end of his letter, Paul is challenging believers to become the visible image of the invisible Christ to believers and those “who are not believers” (4:4). This challenge is as relevant today for us to hear and put into action as much as it was for the Colossians to hear and practice nearly 2,000 years ago.

  1. Completed in Christ to Walk in Wisdom (4:5a)
  2. Completed in Christ to Make the Most of Every Minute (4:5b)
  3. Completed in Christ to Speak with Grace and Season the Lives of those Around Us (4:6a)
  4. Completed in Christ to Share the Testimony of Christ with Others (4:6b)

Week 4 Daily Declaration:

I AM COMPLETE to Demonstrate Christ’s Image”

Each day in the journal helps you experience personal transformation by growing in God’s word and understanding His ways through prayer, journaling, and discovery. Imagine the peace and fulfillment that comes from knowing Christ on a personal level and feeling the power of his love resurrect your life.


Order your copy and send one to a friend here: Galatians Journal
July 10, 2024 - Posted in