St. Johns Discipleship Community Church
Sunday Services
10 am at La Venture Grove Venue
2375 Moremen Road, Switzerland, FL 32259
St Johns
Discipleship Community Church
Our families are made up of some great people who simply desire to grow as disciples of Jesus by loving God and loving others as we grow in biblical community together. No matter where you are on your journey of faith, there is a place and space for you!

Resources & Events
At each St. Johns DCC gathering, we are all about community!
We’ve put all the resources you need each week in one easy location. Learn about upcoming gatherings and locations, download discussion guides, register for the next event, find lyrics for worship and more.
Sunday Mornings
Meet at La Venture Grove
2375 Moremen Rd, Switzerland, FL 32259
We believe in church in the community, and worship on Sunday mornings at the beautiful La Venture Grove along the St. Johns River. Gatherings are held under an open pavilion.
Occasionally we gather off-site. Please check the calendar weekly for details on our location and registration for all off-site gatherings.

The Pastors Blog
Welcome to the blog for St. John's Discipleship Community Church. Here you'll find timely words from our Pastors Bob and Paige.
COLOSSIANS: “COMPLETED IN CHRIST” “When you have Christ, you are complete. He is the head over all leaders and powers.” (Colossians 2:10, NLV © ). Does any area of your life make you feel a little “incomplete?” Do you ever feel like if you just had more things happen for you and more breaks…
Read MoreGalatians: “Freedom in Christ” “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV©). Throughout human history, people have been desperately searching for what it means to live their lives in complete and total freedom. Many…
Read MorePhilippians: “Knowing Christ” “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.” These incredible words from Philippians 3:10 were written nearly 2,000 years ago yet remain just as powerful for believers today. We are so excited to be offering a brand new 30-day Scripture Journal from the book…
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A 30-day Hebrews Scripture Journal is designed to help you experience personal transformation by growing in God’s word and understanding His ways through prayer, journaling, and discovery. Imagine the peace and fulfillment that comes from knowing God personally and experiencing Christ's supremacy in your everyday life. By engaging in this Hebrews journal, you will embark on a 30-day Scripture-based journey of Walking with Jesus through the New Testament as you deepen your relationship with Him.
The devotional is available on Amazon: